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Influenza Treatment

Rains after the hot scorching summer can bring much needed relief, but they also bring along with them several diseases. Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a viral disease that causes respiratory problems. It is extremely contagious and easily spreads through sneezes and coughs of an infected person. One can also get it by touch.
Influenza Symptoms
Some Common Influenza Symptoms

  • Aching joints and limbs
  • Headache
  • High temperature
  • Fatigue, exhaustion
  • Cold sweat, shivers
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms – nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (more common in children)

How serious can Influenza be?

In most cases, Influenza is not something to really worry about, apart from the uneasiness and weakness that it leaves behind. However, sometimes, it may lead to complications, particularly in elderly people, young children and those with a chronic illness that may compromise immunity.

  • People vulnerable to severe complications
  • People above age 65
  • Babies and young children
  • People with heart conditions, chest problems, diabetes, chronic kidney disease etc
  • People who are on steroids
  • People undergoing cancer treatment

Treatment for Influenza

Stop SmokePainkillers or paracetamols can help treat symptoms like, body aches and headache that come with the flu. Besides a doctor’s prescribed medicines, the following precautions are recommended:

  • Take rest at home
  • Stay away from others till you recover
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Drink lots of liquids
  • Avoid alcohol consumption
  • Stop smoking
  • Do not share items with an infected person

How to prevent Influenza

Influenza is usually highly contagious but can be prevented if proper care is taken. Avoid taking antibiotics by yourself. If symptoms of it are long-lasting or severe, then it is best to visit your doctor. Flu vaccines may prove useful. You will need to take a booster shot each year to prevent contracting the disease.
Avoid Flu
Medica has a comprehensive unit dedicated to Internal Medicine, where skilled Doctors, Nurses and technician work in sync 24X7 to deliver the best possible treatment with the help of a fully equipped ICU and Emergency department. With state of the art technology and modern equipment, Medica treats patients with compassion as well as competence and is ready to handle any type of emergency.

For any kind of emergency, contact us at +913366520100 or Internal Medicine: 9874478915

High fever? It could be Chikungunya!

High fever? It could be Chikungunya!

Chikungunya, a viral disease, is caused and transmitted typically through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito that feeds on humans during the daytime. They usually breed in dark, shady areas and are found in the evening. It is not a fatal disease but the pain can be excruciating. With the symptoms being quite similar, it is sometimes misdiagnosed in areas where Dengue is common. Chikungunya can be life-threatening to the elderly and children, and may even lead to kidney or liver disorder, cerebral problems, and paralysis, among others.

Identifying the Signs of Chikungunya

The initial signs of this disease may be fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, joint pain, headache etc. Some people also get rashes and experience high fever ranging from 100°-104° Celsius. Other symptoms include:

  • Eyes turning red
  • Headache
  • Severe body ache with swelling and pain in joints
  • Rashes typically appearing on trunks and limbs
  • Bleeding

Diagnosis & Treatment

Some diagnostic tests available tests for the disease include – Serologic, Viral Culture, and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)-based tests, etc. As there are no medicines or vaccines for Chikungunya, here are some measures to be taken for faster recovery:

  • Take adequate rest
  • Consume lots of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • Take medicines like Paracetamol for pain and fever


To prevent Chikungunya infection, keep yourself covered and minimize skin exposure. Some other tips are:

  • Exposed skin should be protected by applying mosquito repellents
  • Do not allow water to stagnate near homes
  • Stay extra safe during daytime and use mosquito nets to prevent bites
  • Make sure your surroundings are clean and clear of garbage bins
  • Be sure to get rid of stale water in flower pots and vessels to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Those who are pregnant or are suffering from severe health issues should keep away from places with a high incidence of Chikungunya

Medica has advanced labs and modern equipment to diagnose and determine different types of diseases. The Internal Medicine department has highly trained doctors with great skills to deal with any type of disease and provide the best treatment to all patients. With 24×7 monitoring and the best ICU&Emergency department, Medica can help you and your loved ones get better.
For any kind of emergency, contact us at +913366520100 or Internal Medicine: 9874478915

Dengue – If Not Treated in Time, Could Mean Trouble!

Dengue – If Not Treated in Time, Could Mean Trouble!

Dengue is a disease caused by a virus, which is transmitted to people through mosquito bites. Fever caused by dengue can vary from mild to severe and the patient may need to be hospitalized. The actual number of Dengue cases in our country is many times higher than what is reported.

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Symptoms usually begin 4-7 days following the mosquito bite and last for 3-10 days. Sometimes, the dengue symptoms are mild and may often be mistaken for those of a viral infection or flu. Mild infection may present symptoms like:

  • High fever that comes on suddenly
  • Severe headaches
  • Severe pain in the muscles and joints
  • Pain right at the back of your eyes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rashes appearing 2-5 days following the onset of fever
  • Mild bleeding from gums and the nose

Whereas, serious infections, such as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever may present symptoms like a mild infection at first, but may gradually worsen after a number of days. This severe infection can result in Dengue Shock Syndrome, which can even lead to death if not treated in time. Apart from the above dengue symptoms, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever may show symptoms like:

  • Bleeding from mouth/gums and nose
  • Damaged lymph and blood vessels
  • Internal bleeding, resulting in black vomit and faeces (stools)
  • Fall in the platelet count in the blood
  • Sensitive stomach
  • Small blood spots under your skin
  • Weak pulse

Diagnosis of Dengue Fever

Dengue TreatmentThe signs and symptoms of dengue fever are similar to some other diseases like typhoid fever and malaria, which can many a time lead to inaccurate diagnosis. Doctors can order blood tests to detect the virus.

Treatment and Prevention of Dengue Fever

Dengue has no specific cure or treatment but there are some ways to treat mild dengue fever:

  • Avoid Dehydration – Vomiting and high fever can leave your body dehydrated, so drink plenty of fresh water
  • Pain Killers – Pain killers can help to ease the aches and pains, but take them only after consulting a physician as some painkillers may higher the chances of internal bleeding

Treatment Options

  • IV Drip (Intravenous fluid supplementation)– Sometimes a dengue patient may not be able to take fluids orally and an IV drip may be required for fluid supplementation at the hospital.
  • Blood transfusion – Patients with extreme dehydration may be recommended to go for a Blood transfusion.
  • Hospital care – For people suffering from severe Dengue Infection, professional medical care is important, so that they can be monitored properly.


DengueThere are no vaccines to prevent this infection, but since its virus is carried by mosquitoes, one can take precautions against mosquito bites. Some common precautions to be taken are:

  • Wear long-sleeved clothes
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping
  • Cover windows and doors with a net to keep mosquitoes out
  • Use mosquito repellants with higher DEET
  • Stagnant water is the breeding ground for mosquitoes, so do not allow water to collect anywhere near your home/premises

Medica has a comprehensive unit dedicated to Internal Medicine, where skilled Doctors, Nurses and technicians work in sync 24X7 to deliver the best possible treatment with the help of a fully equipped ICU and Emergency department. With state-of-the-art technology and modern equipment, Medica treats patients with compassion as well as competence and is ready to handle any type of emergency.
For any kind of emergency, contact us at +913366520100 or Internal Medicine: 9874478915

Don’t Give Malaria a Biting Chance

Don’t Give Malaria a Biting Chance

India is one of the three countries that accounts for 97% of the malaria cases in South East Asia. Malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic infection, is spread by the Anopheles mosquitoes. It is usually found in the subtropical and tropical climate, where parasites cause it to thrive. Once a mosquito bites you, the parasite causing this disease gets released into the blood stream and becomes mature upon reaching the liver.

Malaria Symptoms to Watch out for

Malaria symptoms take 10 days to 4 weeks to develop after a person is infected. In some people, malarial parasites on entering the body remain dormant for prolonged period and they may not develop symptoms for several months. Some common signs of malaria are:

  • Moderate to severe chills
  • Profuse sweating
  • High fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Muscle pain
  • Anemia
  • Muscle pain
  • Bloody stool

What are the complications?

Malaria can lead to several complications, such as the following, which may be life-threatening:
Complications of Malaria

  • Cerebral malaria – Swelling of blood vessels in the brain
  • Pulmonary edema – Fluid accumulation in the lungs that may lead to breathing problems
  • Spleen/kidney/liver failure
  • A drop in the blood sugar levels
  • Red blood cell deconstruction leading to anemia

Ways to prevent Malaria

Prevention Malaria
There are no vaccines to prevent Malaria but if you are living in a Malaria prone area, then there are some precautions which can be taken and doctors may prescribe some medicines. Some ways to prevent Malaria are:

  • Do not go outside when it is dark outside to avoid mosquito bites
  • Wear long sleeved clothes
  • Use insect repellent with DEET for better result
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping
  • Avoid malaria prone areas, especially if you are pregnant, very young or very old

At Medica Superspecialty Hospital, we deal with all complex diseases related to internal medicine daily in the OPD and have one of the most advanced ICU/CCU in Eastern India to handle any kind of medical emergency. Medica offers a comprehensive treatment for any disease and has a fully equipped Emergency Department and 24X7 consultant coverage, to provide the best patient care.
For any kind of emergency, contact us at +913366520100 or Internal Medicine: 9874478915

Invasive Breast Cancer

Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (Invasive breast cancer)

IDC is the commonest of all types of breast cancer (about 80% of all breast cancers). It is called so because it begins in your milk ducts before spreading (invading) to the adjacent tissues. If not detected at an early stage, it can spread to the lymph nodes, and possibly other areas of the body. It can affect women at any age, but is more common in older women. This form of carcinoma also affects men.

IDS is often asymptomatic, the abnormality showing up only during mammogram (X-ray of the breast). However, one needs to look out for the following symptoms:

  • Any swelling in the breast
  • Lump or mass that was not there earlier
  • Irritation or dimpling on the skin
  • Pain in the breast
  • Pain in the nipple / nipple turning inward
  • Thickening or redness of nipple or skin on the breast
  • Nipple discharge
  • Appearance of a lump in the underarm


A combination of physical examination and imaging (tests) are usually used to diagnose invasive ductal carcinoma

  • Physical examination: You doctor will feel the lymph nodes (under armpits and above collarbones) for any unusual swelling or lump
  • Mammogram: Can detect early signs of breast cancer. IDC can show up as abnormal, finger-like projections into other tissues
  • Ultrasound: Your Doctor may ask for an ultrasound for further confirmation if mammography shows any abnormality
  • MRI of the breast: Sometimes, in the more complex cases, the Doctor may ask for an MRI
  • Biopsy: The Doctor will conduct a biopsy for confirmation of the diagnosis when cancer is suspected. In this sample cells are removed from the breast through a small incision and examined under the microscope for abnormalities


Depending on the size of tumour and/or how far it has spread, stage of the disease is determined. Tests like Bone Scan, CT scan, Ultrasound, MRI and PET scan are used to determine the spread and stage of cancer.

The most common sites of spread for IDC are the bones, liver, lung, and/or brain


Depending on the degree of abnormality of cancer cells, gradation is done. IDC is identified as Grade 1, 2 or 3. Lower the grade, better are the chances of recovery as they grow more slowly and are less likely to spread



In majority of cases, surgery is usually the first line of treatment to remove the breast tumor. The type of surgery depends on the stage and grade of the cancer and other factors specific to your situation. However, a large tumour or cancer that is rapidly spreading to the lymph nodes and other body parts need to be shrinked with hormonal therapy or chemotherapy.

Surgical procedures may include:

  • Lumpectomy: where the lump along with some surrounding tissues and underarm lymph nodes are removed
  • Mastectomy: Can be partial or radical. In the former only affected portion of the breast is removed, sometimes along with lymph nodes. In the latter, the affected breast is removed completely.

Breast Reconstruction

It is a process by which the removed breast is reconstructed by a plastic surgeon. This procedure can be done immediately following the mastectomy, or later depending on your choice or advice of the Doctor.

Radiation therapy

It (recommended post surgery) directs high-energy rays at the breast, chest area, under the arm, and/or the collarbone area to destroy any IDC cells that may be left behind. This treatment also reduces the risk of recurrence (the cancer coming back).

This is usually done by External Beam Radiation with a machine called Linear Accelerator, targeting the site of mastectomy and surrounding lymph nodes (daily for 5 to 7 weeks).

Sometimes Partial Breast Irradiation may be used, where the area around where the cancer was is targeted. This method usually takes 5 to 10 days of treatment.


Apart from local treatments like surgery and Radiation Therapy, sometimes Chemotherapy is required to destroy cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body.  Often this treatment in also used to reduce the chances of recurrence of cancer. The process involves giving combinations of anti-cancer medicines (through injections or orally) to the patient. The medicines travel through the blood cells killing the cancer cells. Chemotherapy, however, may have side effects, as along with the cancer cells, it also destroys some healthy cells.

Chemotherapy is given in cycles and the course of treatment usually takes about 3 to 6 months. Medicines used vary from person to person.

Follow up Care

You need to work with your Doctor on this. Depending on the form, stage and complication of the disease and the treatment procedure followed, your Doctor will prepare a follow up schedule for you, which is likely to include:

  • Physical examination & counseling: Every 4-6 months for the first 5 years and annually after that
  • Mammogram of affected breast 6-12 months after completion of radiation therapy, followed by annual mammography of both breast
  • MRI may be advised if you fall under the high-risk category because of a strong family history, or positive genetic test
  • Regular examination by Gynaecologist: Some medications may increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, hence this is necessary
  • Monitoring of bone health for ladies post menopause

Please remember, your Doctor is the best person to advise you as he/she is best aware of your requirements.

Medica Institute of Breast Diseases offers comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and post op care for all kinds of breast diseases, including cancer

Preconception Health

Planning a baby? Have you thought about your preconception health?

Every parent wants a healthy baby. Yet, how many of us spare a thought for the fact that the health of the newborn is tied to the health of the parent, particularly the mother? Preconception care mainly focuses on the things a woman can do in relation to her health to increase the chances of having a healthy baby. The requirements of each woman are different, and particular to her clinical, social and behavioural status.
If you are planning a baby, then it is important to talk to your Doctor and seek her/his advise on preconception care

Preconception Counseling: Who needs it?

  • Advised for all women planning a baby – you may not be aware of the existence of any complications in you or your partner that may affect your baby’s health. Your Doctor would know how to identify these problems and deal with them
  • Women with previous history of miscarriage
  • Women with previous history of complicated/difficult pregnancy
  • Women with previous history of diseases that have been successfully treated (like Breast cancer)
  • Women with other known medical conditions like Diabetes, Thyroid Disorder, hypertension, seizure disorder, arthritis etc.
  • Women who are underweight or overweight
  • Women who are habitual smokers, drink alcohol or have a history of drug addiction
  • Women who live and work in high stress or abusive environments
  • Women with a family history of medical complications (a sister with a heart problem, a brother who is a diabetic, etc.)

Whom do you need to go to for Preconception Counseling?


Your gynaecologist is your first and most important counselor. He/she will speak to you and your partner at length, discuss your medical history, ask you questions about your family’s medical history, examine you and prescribe some tests based on your specific needs. If your test results show no abnormality, then the Doctor would advise you to visit a nutritionist, physical therapist and counselor, who would help you prepare for your pregnancy by recommending the correct diet, exercises and mind training to keep you fit and healthy.

What happens if I have a family history of some disease?

Someone in your family (or that of your partner) – father, mother, sibling or ancestor – may be suffering from or may have suffered from a particular disease. Either of you, in turn, could be carriers of the disease but may not be aware of it. In such an instance your Doctor may refer you to a Genetic Counselor, who would discuss your family’s medical history at length with you and explain the implications to you and your child. He/she may ask you to undergo certain tests which would give you a clear picture of the risks involved and help you in making up your mind, and also prevent future complications.

Will my medical condition affect my pregnancy?

If you are a Diabetic, Hypertensive, or suffer from any other health complications like Epilepsy, Arthritis, Asthma, psoriasis etc, for which you have been under long-term medication, it can affect your pregnancy and the health of your baby. It is important to discuss your situation in detail with your Doctor and plan the baby well in advance to allow him/her to organize your medications and monitor your health before and through your pregnancy. You also need to involve your other treating Doctors – General Physician, Diabetologist, Neurologist or anybody else – in your decision to ensure a safe pregnancy. Choose the healthcare facility with care since you may require multispecialty monitoring and emergency care.

What role does my body weight play in the health of my baby?

If you are overweight then pregnancy can induce complications like high blood pressure, preeclampsia (accumulation of fluid in the body and protein in the urine, along with hypertension) and gestational (through your pregnancy term) diabetes. The size of your baby may also be larger than normal, and there will be increased chances of injury at birth. On the other hand, if you are underweight then your baby is likely to be too small and may suffer from health and behavioural issues as he/she is growing up. The risk of preterm birth is also greater if you are underweight.

In either scenario, it is important to take your Doctor’s advice when you are planning for your baby, so that he/she, along with a team of physiotherapist and nutritionist, can guide you in loosing or gaining weight, and monitor you through your pregnancy.

How does my lifestyle affect my pregnancy or the health of my baby?

If you are smoker, drink alcohol or have a history of drug addiction, then not only can it increase the risk to your health during your pregnancy, it can also impact the health of your baby. You shall need to undergo some lifestyle changes when you are planning a baby, and you Doctor is the best person to advise you on that. Another factor that has become important now is the age of the mother, with more women opting for late pregnancies. Lifestyle issues can impact a woman’s physical and mental health, and preconception care can be a big help in dealing with both.

How does my environment affect my pregnancy?

Stress at home and at workplace (in case of working women) plays a major role in the health and safety of your pregnancy. Stress releases hormones that may make you depressed, hyperactive and sometimes prone to panic attacks. Research is increasingly linking a mother’s mental health during pregnancy with her child’s behavioural issues later in life. Sudden high stress situations during pregnancy can lead to preterm births. Pregnancy itself can be a reason for depression in women that often goes unnoticed by her and her family. It is important to discuss abnormal situations brought on by stress with your doctor. Preconception counseling helps in understanding not just your nutritional, but also your psychological needs. It helps in coping with depression and high stress situations better.

At Medica we believe in one-stop solutions. Our Preconception Clinic provides comprehensive services including facilities for extensive sessions with our Obstetrics & Gynaecology specialists, Genetic Counselor, Physical Therapist specializing in pre-natal care, Nutritionist and Psychologist. Our diagnostic services include the most advanced lab (including Genetic testing) and imaging facilities.

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