Matching World Standard in Investigation
Our vision is to become an apex referral lab which is accessible to all socio-economic strata with induction of Superspecialty segments such as Cytogenetics, Flow Cytometry and Clinical research. Medica labs follows strict internal and external quality control protocols to provide timely, precise, accurate and reproducible reports.
MEDICA Lab Services
With NABL accreditation for state-of-the-art investigation facilities, comprehensive diagnosis and highest quality of clinical care for our patients the Medica Lab is one of the best.
Haematology Lab
The lab has 5 part fully automated cell counter based on flow cytometry principle, Automated ESR instrument which provides ESR result in 25 minutes, Automated coagulometer and Electrophoresis (Biorad) for accurate and best result.
Biochemistry Lab
The Biochemistry Lab here is equipped with a fully automated random access analyzer and Electrolyte analyzer that can analyze Na+/K+/Ca++/Li+ & Ionized Calcium.
Histopathology & Cytology Lab
The Automated tissue processor is capable of providing best results within 24 hours.
Immunoassay Test Lab
Equipped with both EIA and CLIA for detection of Hormones, tumour markers and Infectious Serology.
HLA & Molecular Lab
- HLA Typing (Luminex method)
- DSA Crossmatch (Luminex method)
- Single Antigen Crossmatch (Luminex method)
- CDC Crossmatch (Serological method)
- Real Time PCR Quatification of HCV, HBV, CMV, BKV
Immunofluorescence Lab
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to detect Transplant rejections, autoimmune markers like ANA, dsDNA, p-ANCA,c-ANCA.
Microbiology Lab
The microbiology lab at Medica is equipped with Automated continuous monitoring of blood and sterile body fluid culture system, Automated aerobic, anaerobic bacteria and fungus identification and Antimicrobial susceptibility testing systems which produce result within 30 days.
MEDICA Imaging Services
The Medica Radiology Department provides high resolution X-rays, ultrasound, CT – a second installation of its kind in the world, 1.5 tesla MRI, mammography and bone densitometer. The consultants can access these images in the hospital through his/her computer through our PACs (picture archiving and communication system).
CT Scans or Computerized Tomography Scans Philips 128 Slice
- CT any Parts (Plain & Contrast Study)
- CT Abdomen with Virtual Colonoscopy
- HRCT Chest with Virtual Bronchoscope
- CT Angiography any part (Except Cardiac)
- CT Cisternography
- CT Brain Lab Protocol
- CT Triphagic Study
- CT Protography
- CT 3D
- CT Guided FNAC
- CT Guided Pigtail Drainage
- CT Guided Aspiration
MRI Scans (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans) – Philips 1.5 Tesla
- MRI any parts (Plain & Contrast study)
- MRI Angiography any part (Except Cardiac)
- MRI CSF Flow Study
- MRI Spectroscopy
- MRI Venography
- MRI Whole Body Screening
- MRI Brain Lab Protocol
- MRI Stroke Protocol
- MRI Brachial Plexus
- MRI Perfusion
USG Scans (Ultrasound Sonography Scans) – Philips HD
- USG any parts
- USG First/Second trimester Screening
- USG Combined Test
- USG NT Scan
- Sonomammography
- USG Guided FNAC
- USG Guided Aspiration
- USG Guided Biopsy
- USG Guided Pigtail Drainage
- USG TRUS Prostate
- TRUS Guided Biopsy
- Doppler 3D/4D
- Doppler arterial/venous
- Doppler Carotid
- Doppler Penile
- Doppler Renal Flow Study
- Power Doppler of joints
X-Ray & Mammography
Mammography/All Kind of plain X Rays (except dental) and some Special X-Rays like
- X Ray Barium Meal
- X Ray Barium Meal Follow-through
- X Ray Barium Swallow
- X Ray Barium Enema
- X Ray Gastrograffin Enema
- X Ray Gastrograffin Follow through
- X Ray Cholecystography
- X Ray Distal Cologram
- X Ray Fistulogram
- X Ray T – Tube Cholangiogram
- X Ray HSG
- X Ray Myellogram
- X Ray Sialogram
- X Ray sinogram
- X Ray RGU
- X Ray Urogram and also
- Portable X Rays